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Wiebke Albrecht Gesangsunterricht
The Joy of Voice
Singing lessons & Voice training
Wiebke Albrecht Gesangsunterricht
A bay off New Zealand. A dream comes true: I will swim with dolphins. But I have a shark phobia: I jump out of tiled pools when someone calls "shark". In this bay you can also do sharkdiving. Our boat will stop at three different places where we can jump into the water. After I was only in the water for a short time twice because I was so scared and there was not a single dolphin around, I had to come up with a strategy. I used to love singing underwater in the bathtub. Why not in the Pacific, too?
Wiebke Albrecht Gesangsunterricht
The boat stops for the third and last time. I jump into the water and try out a little. It goes better than I thought. Diving goggles on, head under water, and with full soul I bubble a jazz standard into the ocean. Within seconds, a cluster of dolphins is around me and below me: I'm swimming in a dolphin bowl. A dolphin looks at me briefly and then dives, the bowl dissolves. I lift my head above water, breathe in and know: I have swum singing with dolphins.
Wiebke Albrecht Gesangsunterricht Gitarre