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Wiebke Albrecht Gesangsunterricht
The Joy of Voice
Singing lessons & Voice training
Wiebke Albrecht Gesangsunterricht
Wiebke Albrecht Gesangsunterricht
Since I am here I am singing.
As a child I started taking guitar lessons, the piano was my second instrument.
I love to sing along with guitar, just for myself, with others and for other people.
I have been singing in different choires, for example in the YMCA Gospel Choir Bissendorf, Wedemark. In 1988 I started busking in Bristol, England and I wonder where this will lead me. I was invited on my first jazzsession at Frederiks [www.frederikshopestreet.com] in Liverpool in 2015.
I played concerts and gigs in several ensembles with many musicians, for example Konrad and Marah Baer, Klaus Mehlhose, Jörn Hinze, Thomas von Stohe, Lars Bernsmann, Andreas Meyer, Phillip Hagen. Burckardt Niggemeyer, Christoph Münch, Gert Richter, Noa Wessel and more.
In 1998 I became self-employed as a singer and singing teacher.
Wiebke Albrecht Gesangsunterricht Körperarbeit Stimmbildung Meer
My Teachers
Patti Cathcart (Singing, Composition)
Lauren Newton (Singing, Free Improvisation)
Sheila Jordan (Jazzsinging)
Romeo Alavi Kia (Breathing)
Nanni Byl (Jazzsinging)
Robert Harvey (Vocaltraining)
Urs Leimgruber (Free Improvisation)
Michael Betzner-Brandt (Circle Singing)
Andreas Meyer (Chord Accompaniment on the piano)
Rudi Kosch (Guitar)
Arne Pünter (Composition)
Lars Bernsmann (Jazzguitar, Music Theory)
Norbert Gottschalk (Jazzsinging, Jazzguitar, Music Theory)
Gabriel Garrick (Jazz)
Gary Dial (Composition)
Tayfun Guttstadt (Makams)
Kate Mullins (Jazzsinging, Sessions)
Evan Parker (Free Improvisation)
Christoph Nix/Bernd Bartsch (Clown Theatre)
Bernd Hillringhaus (Theatre Education)
Zwaantje de Vries (Dansexpressie)
Alan Bern (Improvisation)
Franz Hauzinger (Free Improvisation)
Agnes Heginger (Free Improvisation)
Rolf Zielke/Mustafa Boztüy (Odd Meters)
Daniel Jacobi (Body-Percussion & More)